To Malaysian's government, I'm not defaming nor anything. I'm speaking for the godsake truth. Corruption do always happen. Peoples are greedy.
Let's turn to what I've suggested. It's only one, but it's more than enough for the moment.
SANDAL. Refer to wiki
I do not know whether many of us know that, sandal can however make us float on the water. Well, to be more logic, it's not floating ON the water but floating in the water to kept our head above the water level. Actually, this is where I learnt during my camping day to Pangkor Island with the scout's team on Form 1(1998)
I hope that government can make a single, simple rules. Whoever needs to headout to sea more than a specific KMs (Kilometers) from the dock/mainland, 1 needs to wear sandal no matter what or he/she will be disallowed to board onship. Sandal is cheap, you can buy it at pasar for less than RM10.
This is just a precaution for potential next tragedy or incase the safety vest aren't working. Accident do happen always.
I need some support or comment before I forward this messages to the media.
Edited : Please do notice that the sandal that will work effectively is the one in the picture I posted here only. Else,(in the wiki) I think will never work effectively.
Besides sandals, it SHOULD be made compulsory that everyone must put on a life-jacket as long as they're on open-water travel.
Then of course there must be sufficient life-raft / life-boat / floats on the ship to cater for everyone.
This means, if you're carrying 120 people, you'll have 150 or more safety devices.
Oh yeah and another thing - make it compulsory to have swimming classes.
That's a good idea. In fact my family and I have been using the same kind of sandals every time we went for any snorkeling trip. We used it instead of flipper because it's cheaper, lighter and cause less damage to the corals (in case we accidentally kick the corals)
But those kind of sandals are getting more expensive and difficult to find. On my recent trip to Perhentian, I had to forked out almost RM30 to get it and the quality is also different. It's heavier and bulky. I guess that kind of sandles are no longer a trend, that's why they stop producing it.
Agree with goldfries. Every time we step in the boat, the first thing we do is to find the life jacket and put it on. Usually our family is the only one doing it. The rest will look at us like we are a freak because we put it on.
There was a family with a few months old baby and several kids in our boat to Perhentian who just could not be bother to wear the jacket.
Biar susah dahulu, asal selamat kemudian....
p/s: condolence to ur gf...:(
are u racist??
well nice thread
最近仕事ばかりで毎日退屈してます。そろそろ恋人欲しいです☆もう夏だし海とか行きたいな♪ 連絡待ってるよ☆
夏フェス一緒に行ってくれる人募集!!夏の思い出一緒につくろぉ☆ 連絡してね♪
any updates coming ?
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